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Increasing the Life-Span of A Mobile Device Battery

A smart phone like the T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide always has many applications running in the background. With so many features running in the background and not being minimized, your smart phone's battery will slowly start to drain. With that said, the easiest thing that anyone can do to maximize the full potential of your battery is to minimize those programs. One can do this by downloading an android application or simply going into the running services screen and removing those applications that are not essential.

You can start with interactive screen protectors or even wallpapers. This smart phone has access to many different "live" wallpapers and that means that your screen will be in constant motion because of the live wallpapers. You can change that by going into your settings and editing that specific feature. One thing to consider is that typically each application includes a notification feature. This feature will notify the user if there is an update or if they have a message or if something needs to be addressed within the application. You can turn them off because they are also constantly drawing power from your mobile device. Simply evaluate the necessary programs that require notifications and remove notifications from all others. Consider securing the screen by using a T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide screen protector.

Another simple thing that can be done is to turn off the vibrate feature completely. If you are always getting texts or calls then turning off your vibrate or ringer feature is the way to go. Simply go into your settings once more and turn of the feature. From your setting you can also set your Updates for Screen Widgets to a minimum. Widget settings, if not customized by default, will keep on updating and this will in-return greatly lower the battery life of your smart phone. Various T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide accessories are available to increase the life of the phone overall.

One of the more obvious things you may do is reduce the brightness of your screen. When you purchase a new smart phone the screen brightness is always set to max and it is a major reason as to why smart phones quickly die. Simply enter the sound & display settings and either decrease the brightness or select the automatic brightness feature which adjusts according to the surrounding light. To keep your smart phone protected, you should check out some of the many different available cases. A T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide case comes in many different styles and can help you customize your smart phone to have it fit your personality.

A smart phone like the T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide is known for email, texts and other great features. However, one can adjust settings so that the mobile data search is not consistently running.